Rwby Punch Out Crossover Little Mac And Yang Fanart

Jan 17, 2020 Smash X Vs. X Cross tag X All-Stars Plot: Using the power of the Infnity Stones, Dr. Doom was able to alter all of reality, merging many worlds together, including his own. Yang pulled out her scroll, setting it on a bench and synching it to the Aura monitors before putting it back in her pocket. Using the damn thing with one hand was infuriating; Mac was finished a solid five seconds before her, obviously putting two and two together and, perhaps more impressively, keeping any concerns about Yang fighting one-handed to himself.

=Ch.1: Welcome to the Big Leagues kid=

A/N: A new story, brought to you by shower thoughts, something that I wanted to do and I have another idea that includes Pyrrha getting a brother, but a certain mechanic brother. Because why not. Anyway enjoy this story, because I really wanted to do more stories that involves not so mentioned games.


  1. Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Fighters (also know as スーパースマッシュブラザーズアルティメットファイターズ in Japanese and Super Smash Bros. Luchadores Definitivos in Spanish) is an upcoming fighting game for currently unnamed Thorn Industries Console in the Super Smash Bros. After the 21st anniversary of.
  2. The VS Battles Wiki is a site that aims to index the statistics, powers and abilities of characters and weapons from a wide variety of fictional franchises. Feel free to visit or help out!

Somewhere located near the more industrial area of the Bronx, an aging gym stood, or as much as an iron and brick warehouse could be counted as a gym. Nearly worn down, it's walls showing signs of rust and dust from the years gone by, but yet it still stood, the history within the building and the stories it created not allowing for the tests of time to bring the building down so easily. Even though it was only used by a few, the spirit within still fighting strong and not giving up, and if you were to walk by that very building you could swear you can hear the very soul of that building still fighting on.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Nov 6, 2018 - Explore rwbylover715's board 'Strawberry Sunrise' on Pinterest. See more ideas about Rwby, Rwby ships and Anime. Nov 6, 2018 - Explore rwbylover715's board 'Strawberry Sunrise' on Pinterest. See more ideas about Rwby, Rwby ships and Anime. Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose. Rwby Anime Rwby Fanart Anime Manga Anime Art.

'Keep those feet moving!'

The voice called out, inside the building was a boxing ring weathered from constant use yet still served its purpose, the duct tape helped in that matter, and a man following the shouted order. He's feet, moving in the same spot, he showed impressively growing footwork.

'1,2, duck, 2,3,2!'

At the backgroung there are Marble and Big Mac See more 'My Little Pony: Equestria Girls' images on Know Your Meme! Tron Evolution Rwby Fanart Rwby Anime Rwby Crossover Kingdom Hearts Crossover Rwby Volume Tron Legacy Rwby. Done by ZedEdge on deviantart. RWBY and tron crossover RWBY x Tron crossover IDk were this came from but it cool.

The man in the ring sent a right hook, took a step back, sent another right followed by a left. Bringing his arms in a defensive stance, he ducked under a swing that only he saw. He then sent out a repeat of the 2, stepped back then sent another right, left, then a short uppercut with his right before taking another step back and then another right and left hook.

'Keep up that pace, and show them who's boss!'

The following 20 minutes involved the man in the ring continuing to follow the commands of the unseen voice, growing faster and faster in his movements.

'Bring it on home now, show them what for Mac!'

The man in the ring, now named Mac, heard the order and finished his session as he usually did, fighting the shadow that only he could see. The shadow fought in a similar style of Mac by throwing fast fists, but Mac always made sure that his fists were faster. Always. He soon kept going until his breaths became ragged and his punches became slower, he had to keep going he just had to-

'That's enough Mac, you did well today just like I always taught you.'

Mac blinked, the shadow was gone now, he then felt his arms grow heavy now, the mat having multiple sweatdrops all around the spot he was on, with heavy pants for breath Mac gave a sad smile. 'Thanks Doc, I just know I'll be as good as you someday.' Mac would always wait for a pat on the back for a job well done, a tip on how he could throw a punch faster, anything that Mac didn't take note of Doc would inform him of. Mac even dared hope to feel the towel being thrown to him followed by a terrible joke from Doc, but nothing came.

Mac turned around and looked towards the spot were Doc would usually stand while he trained Mac on his boxing. Instead, a blocky boombox was in his place. He walked towards the boombox and kneeled to turn off the machine, but he waited until he heard the final words Doc would say to him.

'I'm proud of you Mac, you're a helluva fighter with a damn good heart and head on your shoulder. To think that the small kid that walked into this gym five years ago would end up being a World Champ seemed darn impossible. But seeing that look in your eyes when you walked into this building, bandages on your face, bruises, and a pair of ratty old gloves that I still swear I threw out just that morning. I put the training hard on you Mac, to scare you away at first, but even when your arms gave out from the weights, when you threw up from the roadwork and when your knuckles bled from the sloppy punches that you threw at the bag you still came back.'

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Mac gave a sad grin at that, just a 12 year old orphan that got tired of being picked on for being smaller than others and trying to protect the other kids who didn't even try to defend themselves. Yet after stumbling around after a particular ass-kicking, he found himself in front of this Gym, and as if a fire lit inside of him he decided then in there that he wanted to become stronger, to learn how to fight. But he needed gloves to show he was serious, but where would a 12 year old get gloves from? Lo and behold his answer was hanging in front of him from a green dumpster that was near the side of the building, a worn pair of brown boxing glove that was way too big for his hands

'Time went on and I noticed that came back with less and fewer bruises and bandages, but always with more confidence, more skill and yet that same fire in your eyes. It was that very fire that made me decide to personally train you myself in boxing, it was the never give up attitude to essentially led me to take care of you for these past five years, and it was that spirit that led me to believe that it may have been fate for you to walk through those doors and for me to train you to the proud fighter you are now Mac.'


Mac could hear the smile in Doc's voice as he said the last part, but then the next part always made Mac sad.

'If anything were to happen to me Mac, god forbid anything does just know this, I love you like the son I never got the chance to have Mac, I only hoped I was able to be a good father to you, but if not then at the very least a great trainer and a best friend to you Mac, and always remember to keep that fire strong and burning, even though you're not fighting anymore keep that fire and spirit burning bright so it can show the way for anyone who may be in the dark.'

Mac nodded to Doc's voice, even if he could never see him again, he would always listen to Doc's words, as they've never proved him wrong before in either life or in his fights.

'Also make sure you find a nice lady to marry boy, I know damn well you better not be married to the sport or trying to marry a boxing glove because I will summon my spirit and smack you upside the head for not finding a lady friend already!'

Mac for his part chuckled with a small blush on his face that only added to the redness after his training, yup, there was the Doc he knew and loved.

'Take it easy Mac, keep fighting strong and never let the odds doubt you.' the recording on the boombox then ends.

Mac gives a tired but somewhat happy sigh now. Taking out the disc from the stereo and taking both the disc and stereo back to Doc's personal room that he had in the gym. It had been no less than two months after Mac finished defending his world title and retiring from boxing when Doc had passed away in his sleep. The cause was a rare heart condition that caused a heart attack in his sleep, all painless and unfelt by Doc. The funeral was the standard affair, Doc's family stopping by, the fighter's that Mac had fought dropping by as well to pay respect, Doc was a legendary fighter so news of his passing had spread. Prayers were given and he was buried with the gloves he fought with and his favorite candy bar. What happened next was a matter of Doc's last will and testament, Doc had a small fortune it was found out but lived humbly, and left that very fortune to one Mac Little, as well as the deed to the gym itself and a small locked wooden box.

Mac gave a look around Doc's personal room, it was simple, yellow walls, several lamps, a large bed with brown blankets and pillows. A poster of his favorite candy bar was hanging on the wall, another framed poster of the very first fight Doc debuted in, followed by another poster framed showing Mac's very first title match. There a study desk and bookshelf, jammed full of books on different fighting styles and boxing techniques. And there on the study was the box that Doc left for Mac. The key having been placed in the lock but never turned. Mac never understood why he never opened the box, maybe he was worried that it was something he was supposed to open sometime down the line in life or maybe he just didn't feel ready yet.

Looking at the box once more Mac decided to open up the box and see what was inside, with a turn of the key and a click of a lock, Mac opened the small wooden box to see what had Doc left behind for him.

He was surprised that the inside of the box was layered in red velvet and inside was a brown pouch. Taking the pouch out he flipped it over into an open palm and saw a piece of folded paper and a small white somehow glowing jewel that almost seemed to have the colors of the rainbow shifting within. Mac looked at the gem curiously, he'd never seen nor knew of anything like it, as the gem almost seemed mystical yet he felt something connecting his very soul to it. Mac then looked at the paper and unfolded it while still holding onto the white gem. It was a letter from Doc and Mac read the note aloud.

'Dear Mac Little (That's you.),

This is my Goodluck charm, I bought it at an old antique store years ago, the old man told me that it came from a world that resides with dust. I don't know what he meant but he told me of some prayer to ensure the luck takes effect and I always felt pretty good after saying it, of course not as good as when I eat a good piece of chocolate, so maybe it'll work for you as well Mac.

With Love & Respect, Jerome 'Doc' Louis.'

Mac then saw more letters underneath the message and looked at the jewel in his hand. He gripped the jewel and then continued to read out loud.

'For it is through burdens do I find the strength within. To be the savior and fire in times of grim. Forward into battle with hands held high, victory be brought forth when the day is nigh.' Mac paused as he felt something within his own being stir along with the words but continued to read.

'Yet if am to fall, may my soul guide on, the fires of light for all who fall. May my soul be brought forth to face its fury and protect those dear to me. Until my enemies lay still and only pure Remnants remain. It is with this, my soul is unbound, to protect body and mind until the spirits raised high.' Mac then saw the jewel he was holding starting to grow brighter, he blinked a few times thinking it was a trick of his eyes, but the jewel grew brighter and brighter and then the jewel started to break apart in an unfelt wind, smaller and smaller until it turned to dust and began to swirl around a now panicking Mac as the dust started to form a vortex around his body. Mac then saw a bright green light surround his very body but before he could take in the feeling of a new found strength and energy, he blacked out.

The room became still now, the chest that had the jewel held within was still open but empty now. Mac was gone


Ruby was slightly worried and maybe a little bit nervous. Okay maybe a a lot nervous and allota worried. Who could blame her since she is sitting inside of a gray room that the police use during interrogations. But she didn't do anything wrong! All she did was stop a dust robbery, met a Huntress (who she still didn't get an autograph from) and is now sitting in a stuffy dark room that is now getting really windy inside.

'Wait what?' as Ruby noticed her own clothes and hair starting to get picked up by a breeze that shouldn't be possible inside of such a small room. She was blinded by a bright flash of green light and as she turned away to cover her eyes she heard a solid 'Thunk' sound in front of her.

Blinking her eyes a bit to make sure the light was gone, she looked forward again and jumped out of her chair at what she saw in front of her on the table. Or who she saw on the table.

Rwby Punch Out Crossover Little Mac And Yang Fanart 3

A man with tan skin and slightly spiked up hair, he was much shorter than she was but a lot more muscled if the arms on him were anything to go by. She noticed how his hands were wrapped in tape, like how Yang wrapped her up when she trained. He wore a blank tank top, green boxing shorts that had a small orange line going down the side, her eyes following down to his legs, which she took note that they were also heavily muscled and must pack a wallop if he kicked, and down to his feet were a pair of boxing shoes.

'What is going on in here!?' Came a stern woman's voice.

Ruby looked up to see the Huntress that she met earlier and that brought her to the police station, but she also saw a silver haired man with small round purple glasses, carrying a plate of cookies?

'Well then, it seems we'll have another meeting to have it seems. please call for assistance for the young man on the table.' Goodwitch nodded, the man then looked at Ruby. ' , please follow me, I believe it would be rude to converse over the body of an unconscious man.' the man then left the room and taking the cookies with him.

'You should follow the headmaster at once , I have matters to take care of as you can see.' Goodwitch motioned towards the man on the table who was still out, but breathing thankfully.

Ruby only nodded and headed towards the door, but Goodwitch stopped her, a stern expression on her face, 'I do however commend you on your actions tonight, although reckless you still did what was right.' Ruby then felt a little better now that she knew she wasn't in trouble now and left to follow the Headmaster, but not before she heard a tires sigh from Goodwitch and mumbling something about 'not being payed enough'.


Mac woke up to the pain of a pounding headache and the smell of things that are way too clean, he knew that smell very well however. Opening eyes to confirm, he was right. A simple blue square made by dividing curtain. Thankfully nothing was poking out of his arms, nor was he strapped down, plus he still had his clothes on, except his tank top which was removed and had those weird patches that monitor his heart rate.

'Hospital?' Mac was confused, what happened, why was here, how did he-

The jewel.

He remembered, reading the note of that good luck charm that Doc left him, feeling powerful for some reason, then he.. Started glowing, some kind of whirlwind around him and then blacking out. But now one question was still in his mind.

'Who the heck found me?' the curtain to the area that Mac was in and a woman wearing blue scrubs walked in and looking at a clear clipboard of some kind, she seemed normal but, brown short hair and average face, but what are those things on her head?

'Excuse me ma'am.' Mac called out and the lady snapped her head up, those things on her head twitched as well and Mac noticed white fluff in the points, like cat ears?. 'Oh you're awake now, I'll inform Headmaster Ozpin.'

'Wait, Nurse hold on!' Mac tried and did tell her but she either ignored him and didn't hear him and was out of the room as soon as she left.

Mac only sighed, 'At least this nurse actually seemed friendly.' his eyes then turned to the sight of the curtains opening again and two people walking in.

One was a silver haired man, he wore some kind of black casual suit with a green scarf and small purple spectacles, he had a relaxed yet serious face and was holding a coffee mug that seemed to be steaming.

The other person made Mac gulp. A tall blonde woman that had a stern expression on her face and had an attire that just screamed to Mac 'Hot Office Lady' but she had a very odd cape and also had a riding crop. Huh?

'Good to see you're awake sir, I am Headmaster Ozpin and to be blunt, you intrigue me, you suddenly appeared in police station where I was talking to a soon to be student, and from what she informed me is that you appeared in a flash of green light and heavy winds.' The man named Ozpin took a sip from his mug, never breaking eye contact with Mac however, 'Not only that but there are no records of you, even a blood test showed that you have an odd aspect about you, not only is your Aura impressive, but you have particles of pure refined dust in your blood, something that is entirely impossible I may add.'

Mac was confused by this man, no records, aura, and why the Hell is there dust in his blood and why did he was it was a good thing?

The blonde woman seemed to take notice of Mac's current state of mind and offered some advice, 'I see you are panicking slightly, I fear the Headmaster doesn't have tact for subtlety, but perhaps to start things off you can give us your name? For instance my name is Glynda Goodwitch, Deputy of Beacon Academy.' Goodwitch then adjusted her glasses at the mention of her title.

Mac for his part only looked at her and nodded his head, 'Yeah, yeah, names are good.. Uh, my name is Mac Little, Heavyweight World champ and Title Defender of the WVBA, now retired. And I'm 17 years old, I retired just earlier this year actually.' Mac said proudly but with a hint of sadness.

Ozpin raised a brow at his claim, 'So you're a tournament fighter, by chance can you inform me of where you are from?'

'Huh? Oh, I'm from the Bronx, that's around New York in the United States, funny how not many people bother to ask where I'm from honestly..' Mac said. Goodwitch and Ozpin only looked at each other. And Goodwitch stepped forward, with a somewhat worried look on her face.

' , do you know where you are right now by any chance?' She asked and Mac just shrugged.

'I would guess Calvary Hospital since it's the only one I can think of off the top of my head, unless this is some fancy hospital in Japan, if you two can be dressed up like that, no offense but those are some getups that get attention back in the States. Especially you Goodwitch, you're like every married man's fantasy woman.' Said Goodwitch had her brows draw closer and face dusted light pink now, Ozpin took a slower sip from his mug but had corner of his mouth raised slightly up.

'Before my colleague here decides to show her mind, allow me to inform you of your current whereabouts, you are in the Medical Ward of Beacon Academy, located in the Kingdom of Vale, which is on the planet of Remnant.' Ozpin finished and Mac had his head tilted.

'You mean Earth don't you? Last time I heard, this planet was called Earth and not Remnant, heck I've even heard it be called Tera or Gaia but never Remnant.' Mac added.

'Hmm. Well then what makes 'Earth' different from 'Remnant' then?' Ozpin asked and Mac only gave another shrug, 'I got no clue, I mean if you guys haven't landed on the Moon yet then that would be a big difference.'

Ozpin had no reply and only looked at Goodwitch, before she nodded and opened the curtain on the left side of the of Mac's bed, it revealed a window a star filled night, a glowing shattered moon..

Mac jumped out of his bed, not taking note at his size difference and headed towards to window to look through it. Lo and behold, the stars were out and the moon was broken into pieces, the shattered parts floating nearby to it, causing Mac to shudder at the sight. Ozpin then walked up Mac to help the boy out but he heard him begin to laugh.

Rwby Punch Out Crossover Little Mac And Yang Fanart Free

'Hehehe.. Welcome to Remnant.' Mac then turned around to Ozpin with a calm smile on his face. Ozpin smiled back.

Mac Little then passed out once more with a thud.

Ozpin looked at the unconscious Mac on the floor and took another sip from his mug, 'This year truly seems promising, wouldn't you agree Glynda?'

Rwby Punch Out Crossover Little Mac And Yang Fanart 2

Glenda's reply was pinching the bridge of her nose and letting out a tired sigh. One of many if that look on Ozpin's face was anything to go by.


Rwby Punch Out Crossover Little Mac And Yang Fanart X

A/N: So yup, new story, short and sweet chapter this one, expect it to be meatier next chapter, but yet he is height from the NES which is an inch shorter than Neo, bit I have a reason for that and is semblance based since he's taller in the latest punch out, and his high form, so I have a work around to involve his height, and as a heads up, he has a weakness for blondes. Until then have a great day and leave a review if ya can, it helps with what I can work on.