How To Save Favorites In Omnisphere 2


Where can I purchase Omnisphere 2?
Download sales and Upgrades are now available for purchase in our Webstore/Techshop. Physical sales (boxed with USB drive) are handled exclusively through our Authorized Resellers.

If I already own Omnisphere, is there an Upgrade to Omnisphere 2?
Yes! If you already are an Omnisphere customer, you are eligible for the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade - available now in the Webstore/Techshop.

If I already own Atmosphere, is there an Upgrade to Omnisphere 2?
Yes! If you already are an Atmosphere customer, you are eligible for the Omnisphere 2 Legacy Upgrade - available now in the Webstore/Techshop.

Is there a DEMO version of Omnisphere 2 I can try?
Because of the size of our instruments, we don't offer Demo versions. However, you can contact one of our local dealers in your area in order to arrange a live demo of Omnisphere 2. To find a local dealer in your area, please contact your local Authorized Reseller.

Omnisphere 2. Omnisphere is among the elite virtual synthesizer programs for producers, composers, and sound designers; and if you think this monster power synth couldnt get any better, youve just been proven wrong. Introducing Omnisphere 2.0, the first v2.0 of any Spectrasonics instrument and it is truly gigantic! Find the latest sounds for Spectrasonics Omnisphere. Browse our collection of professional soundbanks and expansions that take advantage of Omnisphere's unique sound sources.

How are Spectrasonics Instruments delivered to new users?
All Spectrasonics instruments are available in two different editions: Boxed and Download. The physical boxed editions now contain high quality USB drives and are sold exclusively to new customers through our Authorized Resellers. The download editions are now available and sold exclusively through our Webstore/Techshop.

Oct 12, 2015  The new update to Omnisphere 2 has a nice Publish Library feature which is a refined way for easily exchanging soundbanks, allowing third-party sound designers as myself to create a 1-click installable soundbank in just one.omnisphere file, containing all the patches and multis. Where Omnisphere 2 really shines are within the multis. May 07, 2009  Better save the favourite patches in the userfolder of Omnisphere. That one already has all the subfolders for the usual categories. Of course you end up with 2 copies of each fav patch but at least you will find everything real fast. Will Omnisphere 2 replace my Omnisphere plug-in? Omnisphere 2 is the next version of Omnisphere. When installed, the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade contents (20GB) merge with the existing Omnisphere 1 library and become one product, replacing Omnisphere 1 as a plug-in. When opening older projects which use sounds from Omnisphere 1, will they load.

Aren’t Spectrasonics Instruments delivered on DVD-ROMS?
They used to be, but this is no longer the case. All our physical boxed versions have now been revised with high-quality USB drives. For convenience, we now also offer download sales of new Spectrasonics Instruments direct to customers from our Webstore/Techshop. Both of these new delivery platforms offer much faster and more reliable installations than DVD discs.

If I buy the Boxed version, will I also be able to get a download in the future? If I buy the Download Edition, will I also be able to get a drive? If I have the DVD-ROM edition, will I be able to get the drive or future downloads if I need them?
Yes to all of the above! We are happy to announce that there are now alternative forms of installation available optionally to registered users - no matter which edition you have originally purchased.

Spectrasonics is keenly aware that many users no longer have computers with optical drives and there are numerous scenarios when the convenience of downloading or the speed of a USB drive would be a preferred form of installation for different types of users. To address all the various user needs and scenarios, Spectrasonics has a new Support Services area that offers Alternative Installation USB Drives and Additional Download Installations for optional purchase. These services are available for purchase in our Webstore/Techshop for registered users.

How is the Upgrade delivered? Is it downloadable? How big?
The Omnisphere 2 Upgrade package is a 60GB download which you can order through Webstore/Techshop.

Is the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade available as a physical product?
Not at this time. Our download service is highly reliable though.. even with slower connections.

Can I download the upgrade?
Yes. The upgrade is now exclusively available as a download in our Webstore/Techshop.

Does an Omnisphere 1 license need to be registered and authorized in my Spectrasonics User Account in order to qualify for the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade?

Does Omnisphere 1 need to be installed on my computer before purchasing and installing the upgrade to Omnisphere 2?
No. Upgrading to Omnisphere 2 will supply the complete 60GB Omnisphere 2 sound library, which includes the sounds from Omnisphere 1. If Omnisphere 1 is already installed, you will not lose any custom user-created sounds or third-party libraries.

Do I need to have Atmosphere installed before purchasing the upgrade to Omnisphere 2?
No, but if you are an Atmosphere user you will need to have it authorized and registered to qualify for the Legacy upgrade.

Is there a student discount price for Omnisphere 2?
Spectrasonics doesn't offer student discounts, however qualifying schools and institutions can participate in our EDU program.

Does Spectrasonics allow for used sales/license transfers of Omnisphere 2?
Please see the License Transfer FAQs area of the Knowledgebase for more info on our License Transfer Policy.

Can I upgrade if I bought a used copy of Omnisphere v1?
Yes, but only if that copy of Omnisphere has been properly license transferred through Spectrasonics.

Can I upgrade if I bought a used copy of Atmosphere?
Yes, but only if that copy of Atmosphere has been properly license transferred through Spectrasonics.

If I upgrade my Atmosphere to Omnisphere 2 can I later resell and transfer the license of either instrument used to someone else?
No. Customers who participate in a special upgrade program for any Spectrasonics virtual instruments are not eligible for license transfers either for the original instrument or its subsequent upgrade. For example, if an original owner of Atmosphere takes advantage of our special “legacy” upgrade program to Omnisphere 2, the owner is not permitted to resell either instrument and no license transfer will be granted.

If I upgrade my Omnisphere v1 to Omnisphere 2 can I later resell and transfer the license of either instrument used to someone else?
Since it is the same original license, Omnisphere 2 would still be eligible for a future license transfer. However, Omnisphere 1 cannot be transferred as a separate product.

Are Omnisphere 1 and Omnisphere 2 different instruments/products?
No. Omnisphere 2 is simply the next major version of Omnisphere.

Is Omnisphere 2 a Stand-alone app or a Plugin?
Omnisphere 2 includes a standalone application and VST/AU/AAX plug-in platforms that work in all the major DAWs and hosts.

What is the STEAM engine?
STEAM™ is our in-house core technology that is the foundation of Omnisphere, Trilian and a new generation of Spectrasonics instruments.

So does Omnisphere replace Atmosphere?
Yes, Omnisphere is Atmosphere's successor.


What are the minimum system requirements for Omnisphere 2?
You can view them HERE.

Is it compatible with xxx?
Check our Compatibility FAQs in the Knowledgebase which we keep up to date with the latest info.

Will Omnisphere 2 replace my Omnisphere plug-in?
Yes. Omnisphere 2 is the next version of Omnisphere. When installed, the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade contents (20GB) merge with the existing Omnisphere 1 library and become one product, replacing Omnisphere 1 as a plug-in.

When opening older projects which use sounds from Omnisphere 1, will they load the same?
Absolutely - it is still Omnisphere! Version 2 is fully backwards compatible with version 1 projects.

Will custom saved patches/multis be negatively affected when upgrading to Omnisphere 2?
No. They will open and operate the same as always.

Will third party patches be negatively affected when upgrading to Omnisphere 2?
No. All third-party Omnisphere v1 libraries are fully compatible with Omnisphere 2.

Does Omnisphere 2 use Copy Protection?
Yes, please see the Copy Protection FAQs area of the Knowledgebase for more information on our system.

Does Omnisphere 2 include a manual?
All our instruments include a comprehensive online Reference Guide, which is accessible directly through the plug-in. The integrated Reference Guide is searchable and we can keep it up to date with the software releases. You can check out the Reference Guide HERE.

How fast of a computer will I need to run Omnisphere 2? Reset windows 10 djay pro.
As with all virtual instruments - the faster the better. Omnisphere 2 is designed to run optimally on modern computers. See the System Requirements for more information.

Does Omnisphere 2 need more CPU power than Omnisphere v1?
Not significantly more. Some newer patches require more resources than older ones. However, many new patches do not require more resources.

Does Omnisphere 2.5 need more CPU power than Omnisphere 2.4?
Not significantly more. Some newer patches require more resources than older ones. However, many new patches do not require more resources.

Is Omnisphere 2 compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit systems?
Omnisphere 2.4 and earlier are compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Omnisphere 2.5 and higher are compatible exclusively with 64-bit systems.

Can I easily switch back and forth between Omnisphere 2.5 and Omnisphere 2.4?
Yes! We have a rollback installer that’s easy to use for this purpose if you are unsure if you are ready for 2.5 or not.

Does Omnisphere 2 use streaming?
Yes! Omnisphere 2 streams from the drive for quick loading of the sounds. Drive streaming is configurable as well.

Can I selectively install parts of the Omnisphere 2 library since it is so large?
Because of patch compatibility, Omnisphere 2 must always be installed with the complete library. However, you can install the 60 Gigabyte library to a secondary or external drive if you wish.

Will Omnisphere 2's streaming benefit from a faster hard drive?
Fast drives are a smart way to go of course. There's a chapter in the Reference Guide devoted to optimizing Performance with Omnisphere 2.

Can I install Omnisphere 2 on a different drive?
Yes, you can definitely install the library to a secondary or external drive.

Can I Use My Own Audio in Omnisphere 2?
Yes! You can now use any WAV or AIFF audio files in Omnisphere as soundsources for creating your own amazing sounds! Omnisphere 2 supports bit depths up to 24-bit files and sample rates up to 192kHz.

Will the audio import in Omnisphere 2 be for single audio files or multi-samples?
Omnisphere 2 supports one audio file of any length per soundsource. You can layer up to four soundsources in a patch and 8 patches in a multi. Keep in mind that Omnisphere's focus is as a synthesizer and will never be a sampler with multiple velocities, key-mapping, round-robin, etc. - there are other instruments out there that do that very well.

Omnisphere 2 allows you to easily turn your audio files and even your audio tracks/mixes into synthesis source for Omnisphere 2's powerful oscillators. It's remarkable how much you can creatively mangle one sound and transform it into something awesome!

Omnisphere 2 VST Push Presets
Here is the release of the Omnisphere 2 update for Push Browser.
This preset pack contains the presets for Omnisphere 2 only and can be downloaded and used to browse the newest presets in Omni2.
- Works in Live 9 Standard+ (Tested in 9.5)
- Supports VST Only (no AU Support)
- Works on PC/MAC
- Supports 32/64 Bit
- Supports Push MK1 + MK2
- Works in Omnisphere 2 Only
All features of the Omnisphere 1 presets are available, same mappings just updated instrument racks.
Please Note: the new instrument racks contain both the EQ8 and Glue Compressor so these need to be part of your Live installation for the presets to work (Live Intro does not contain these)
Updated Rack
Each preset has a slightly updated instrument rack
There is now a Glue Compressor at the end (in an OFF state but ready if needed) and the Macro knobs control basic EQ filter and Compressor. The VST Instrument has the same mapped controls ready for action.
A ReadMe file is included for more instruction. If you have the original preset pack you will know how it goes.
Omnisphere 1 is completely free to all users with a hope that users who find the pack useful will donate.
To download Omnisphere 2 presets:
Info Page
Omnisphere 1 VST Push Presets
Well, here it is. The complete Omnisphere Patch Browser for Push.
I would recommend for new users to maybe download the single template file to check it out and then tackle the whole pack when you are sure it is for you.
What Is This?
Push is fantastic but lacks the ability to browse presets in a VST instrument. The only way to even load a VST into Ableton via Push is to 'wrap' the VST in an Instrument Rack which can then be placed in the User library and loaded from Push. This is a fine solution that will allow you to load the VST but then you still have to use mouse/keyboard/ipad app to browse presets.
So, as many users have started to discover, if Push can load a VST in an Instrument rack then it is conceivable that if you created a rack for EVERY preset then you could basically browse the presets from Push.

Omnisphere 2 Demo Download

How Does This Work?
Rather simply in terms of installation and usage. Basically Instrument racks can be created for each preset and stored in a folder scheme. When you go to Push you can browse through the folder scheme in the same way you can in your explorer. Find an instrument and load it. You can then add more, swap out with another and it is very quick. Installation is as simple as copying the folder full of instrument presets to your Live user folder.
What about Controlling the VST?
Got that pretty much covered. Before starting the wrapping process I first configured a 'default' rack for Omnisphere which contains about 80 MIDI mapped parameters for channel 1 (layers A/B) in Omnisphere. Push can directly access these parameters in banks of 8 so you have complete access to all these. They are all arranged and grouped logically and you will have access to controls in BOTH the A/B layer such as:
- Cutoff Res Keytrack
- Amp ADSR
- Filter ADSR
- Orb Controls
- Layer Vol Pan
- Waveshaper Bitcrusher
- Glide and Solo controls
- Mute layer
- Many more useful controls
It is not possible to map every control (such as FX) as all controls will need to be mappable in EVERY preset but I think it is very comprehensive.
The MACRO knobs in the rack are blank. This is for 2 reasons. The macro knobs do not update their value when switching presets so this is a real issue when creating racks. Secondly, you have access to the full mappings which is more useful than macros. The macros can be used for your own custom groupings.
How Did You Do This And What's Involved?

How To Save Favorites In Omnisphere 2017

I use Live 9 and Windows 7 64bit. The preset files should work over MAC/PC if you know what you are doing. I own a LEGAL copy of Omnisphere and am using the 64bit version which is updated to the latest. Again, this should work just fine with the 32bit
The process is is not overly complicated for someone with some basic scripting knowledge. There are some great examples of what to do. For this project it was very time consuming due to the huge amount of presets to go through and the fact that manual intervention was needed for each four group. Apart from that though, the whole process was automatic.

How To Save Favorites In Omnisphere 2 3

I used a program for Windows called AutoITv3 which can basically be programmed to operate keyboard/mouse strokes but in a very powerful way. My script ties in direct with the Live main window and the VST plugin window and will step through each preset in Omnisphere 1 at a time, copy the preset name and then save the instrument rack with the VST name. It will run through a single Omnisphere category at a time and stop when it reaches the end. The folder structure is created and the presets are saved in the location and a nice addition is a TXT file is also created that lists all presets in that folder for additional reference.
Here are some stats on what was involved:

Omnisphere 2 Pc

- Programming script was revised 8 times during the process to make it efficient and reliable
- Each preset took 5.8 seconds to be converted to an Instrument rack
- The whole process was redone 3 times due to missing parameters found in the Omnisphere default template (Grrrrr)
- About 90 solid script hours were needed to rip all the presets in categories.
- There are roughly 14,000 preset files (of which about 8000 are unique presets
- Each preset file is about 64KB
- There is about 1GB of preset files
- Omnisphere is a MASSIVE beast and the stats listed are ONLY for patches (Multis and layers will come at some stage maybe..)
Sounds Full On and I am Interested.. How Much Sir?
Some users are offering VST wrapped presets as a business model rather than through desire. I had a drive to want to browse VST presets from Push so I am offering these FREE for any users and just asking for a donation if you feel it helps you.
Can I get the preset files changed or make a suggestion?
All suggestions welcome but here is the short of it.
To make a change to the way the presets have been constructed means re-ripping ALL presets. That is a Massive task that I simply wont do. If you are very serious about needing it done then I could offer to do it for a fee but for the effort it takes to set my PC running for days making presets it's really not worth my time for a few $$$. Presets were created for My use and offered for donations. If you don't pay, you don't have any say.
I am more willing to help other users do it for themselves as this will benefit the community more greatly than shelling out $$$ for each preset pack. Just express interest in doing it yourself and I will send you the script.

How To Save Favorites In Omnisphere 2015

If you would like to buy me a license for any other VST I will create preset files in return but unless I purchase it, I wont be making presets. Any preset packs I DO make will always be Free to download.
If you would like to contribute and learn the scripting (Windows only.. MAC have to find their own solution) then I can upload my script and open a support thread to help people put together their own script. Like I said, it ain't that hard but does occupy your computer for a while.
Info Page
**Download is free and no registration needed.
You are under no obligation to pay for these patches but donations are greatly appreciated and will assist in me getting more plugins I can wrap.
This package is provided 'As Is'. There may be some small mistakes with some patches not being the correct ones or the odd spelling mistake and if you find these I will try and fix.
A lot of time and effort went into this so please do not re-post this on another site but rather link back to this thread.
Have fun!